These days, we see husbands who take their Wives' submission as that of a wounded game begging for its life before its predator!
To me, submission doesn't put a lock in the wife's mouth and keep the key with the husband to use at will. Submission is acknowledging him as the lord of the family and helping to do all "good" things that will bring about the success of the marriage, as rightly directed by the husband.

If I may ask, Why should a wife submit unto her husband as unto the Lord? Why the Comparison? This is it: husband must present himself as the Lord of the house and not a dictator. It's relationship not autocrazy.
The husband should be the one operating the magic wand of love in the home and then like the saying goes, "Respect is reciprocal."

So many husbands who do not have a jot of what it takes to be the head of the family, want their wives to be at the tail end wagging and following their selfish wills.
There indeed are many husbands who are far from the equator of what "1Corinthians 13 and Eph 5:25-28" preach and each time they need to exercise their ungodly acts, they wax a record with Ephesians 5:22-24 just to make a dummy out of the wife.

Mister Uncle Brother, it doesn't follow that way. Look at this with me: "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the Church, and gave himself for it;" Eph 5:25
Why on earth should a husband who does not love a wife expect her to be submissive? Why should such a man who cannot give a five minutes attention to the needs of her wife -let alone giving himself for her- expect her to do his bidding as his lordship pleases! Funny enough, a husband who doesn't know the path to lead the family wants her wife to follow like sheep to the slaughter. Relationship is no Abbatoir my brother.

Do this: if your wife is not submissive, check whether you are switching gears to favour the speed of your selfish pleasure. 1Corinth 13 and Eph 5:25-29 are enough for that.

Through Knowledge, I've learned that no matter how Spiritual a woman is, she could be rebellious any moment if she fails to get her portion of marriage rights. As the husband, what submission do you expect from the wife whose welfare you do not care about?

And to the woman: Mrs Sister Aunt, remember that the lives of your children are in the walls of your heart. If you love them, you'll want to do all it takes to make sure you marriage leads to fulfilment.
Wait! Is it true that your husband says you're not Submissive? Do you do this because he has lesser academic qualification than you? Is it because you are richer or you are more influential? Give any reason for your insubmission and sorry, it won't be justified.
You want to build a godly home? Then take a moment to study 1Corinth 13 and Eph5:22-24 and ask God to help you carry out your duties as a wife.

Warning: this article is not a leverage for you to be rebellious to your spouse! If he/she is not carrying out required conjugal duties, seek Godly approach to address it, pls.

God bless as many hearts willing to be submissive and as many hearts that wouldn't work ill with the act. Amen.