A corper friend came to my place and was pacing up and down smiling with so much energy that could have driven her into a wild laugh. She just kept smiling and smiling that my shadow could tell she was happy. Before I knew it, I looked at her face and smiled at her?
"What is the reason for your happiness?" I questioned. She paced a little and replied "I am happy because I know God's plan towards me!" My, my, my!

I ducked down my head in awe as I told her "That's an article for 2moro."
Wait! Was I going to question her how she got to know that? I would have been more wrong than right if I tried.

"For I know the THOUGHTS that I think toward YOU, says the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil. To give YOU an expected end." What more than the above passage could it have been? The "YOU" He is really talking about no other but, YOU reading this-I'm sure you know. And If I may ask "Is this a poem?" No! God mean everything He says in His word.

So what are you going to do today? Be glad for He has engraved you forever in the palm of His hands. He has a sure plan for everything that has to do with you - don't doubt it!
You can be all you want to be if only you believe Him- His word!
Happy mood activated.
Praise God.

By Adegoke Olalekan Adebumiti