I may be tired, I may be sleepy.
But I will never be able to fall asleep,
until I message my sweetie. Good night
Apparently I am asleep but in reality
all I am doing is thinking about you.
Good night my darling.
When someone buys a domestic animal, he ties it down on a spot for few days, giving it food and water daily, until he is sure the animal would stay. In eight out of ten times, the animal would just be seen walking around the compound. In a way, it has found a new home.
My mum brought home one sheep sometime ago wanting to rear it. As usual, she tied it on a spot and kept feeding it for days thinking it would stay. Unfortunately, the sheep ran back to the owner. We went to look for it and we brought it back, at least we have paid for it. Now my mum sought for more knowledge to make it stay and she was told to hide a cockroach inside a ball of beancake and then offer it to the sheep. They normally tie that to the fact that cockroaches don't leave their place of abode, so the animal should not leave. This trick rarely fail. To our greatest surprise this sheep ate the beancake with the cockroach and ran back after she was released. We went to look for it again and my mum repeated the process over and over again with all efforts proven abortive, so we let the sheep be.
God was teaching me something then that I now understand.
And This is it: like the animal, satan find ways of keeping we christians in bondage. Once we are in, he feeds us with his delicacies and provides adequate comfort for us to feel "freed" when he releases us. But he never has the plan of releasing anyone he imprisoned. "...THAT OPENED NOT THE HOUSE OF HIS PRISONERS." (Isaiah14:17)
Some people are already feeling at home where they should run from. "CITIZENS OF THE LAND OF DECEPTION" is what I call them.
He ties you down with prostitution and gives you some money; gives you fame and ties your soul down forever. What about white Lies, Backbiting, malice, division, fornication, fear, doubts, and Pride which goeth before destruction? And What is he offering you instead? Hell-trade by Destiny-barter!
Here is good news though: "Which executes judgement for the oppressed: which gives food to the hungry. The LORD LOOSES THE PRISONERS." (Psalm 146:7).
Today, God is saying "COME OUT." He is saying Come out like that sheep that never stayed. For as many as the Son is set free are free indeed. You are freed today in Jesus name.
You are freed from all your troubled states. Freed from all depressions. Freed from failure, Rejection, Sorrow, Grief of heart, Heart break, Pain, Defeat, Poverty, Hopelessness, Low Self-Esteem, Indecision, Procrastination.
You are freed from them all in Jesus name Aaaaammmeeeen!