Did You Know?

The Man Who Died Laughing | Is It Possible To Die Laughing

Laughter is the best medicine, but when a man starts laughing for no apparent reason, then the man needs medicine, it even becomes more bizarre and upsetting when a person dies laughing.

Get A UK Number Ringing on Your Local Number

These days it is increasingly becoming difficult to keep ones contact details private, as more and more high tech digital and Internet communication means are proliferated everyday.

3 Things You Can Do When You Can't Sleep At Night

It's 1:00 AM you must be out of the house by 5:00 AM but you are so wide awake it feels like it's 1:00 in the afternoon, you put in more effort in trying to sleep but the more you put more muscle into it, closing your eyes, putting off the light, playing soft music, the farther away from you the

The Truth About Shellie Bo Talley's Age A.K.A (Shellie Terrell Talley)

The picture of Shellie Bo Talley also known as Shellie Terrell Talley began to trend on twitter and facebook in recent times describing her as a 55 year old grandmother and the information as gone round, so much so several blogs have taken it up spreading the same information, while all Internet
