I may be tired, I may be sleepy.
But I will never be able to fall asleep,
until I message my sweetie. Good night
Apparently I am asleep but in reality
all I am doing is thinking about you.
Good night my darling.
It's 1:00 AM you must be out of the house by 5:00 AM but you are so wide awake it feels like it's 1:00 in the afternoon, you put in more effort in trying to sleep but the more you put more muscle into it, closing your eyes, putting off the light, playing soft music, the farther away from you the sleep runs, after all your effort in trying to sleep fails and you give up on sleeping altogether but by the time it's 4:00 AM you start dozing and that's when it becomes hard to keep your eyes close.
that's a typical scenario some people go through once in a while in their battle with sleep and some go through that on a daily basis and some have even lost the battle altogether and have fallen into a terrible state of insomnia, even for those who do not find it difficult sleeping, you will still need to apply these methods, sometime you wake up and you don't feel refreshed, it's because you didn't sleep deeply enough, really it's not how long your sleep is that gets you relaxed and refreshed it's the quality of the sleep
So then, what do you do when you can't sleep at night? I will give you a very effective method i have used over the years to get myself to sleep anytime sleep evades, not that i even like to sleep that much, with so much work to do sleep is always the last thing on my mind, but then because it's the last thing on my mind by the i have done every other thing on my mind, i will still have to do the sleep. it might be very hard to solve the problem of sleeplessness if you don't know why you are not sleeping in the first place, the following are some of the few reasons why sleep may not come at night sometimes
1. Going to bed hungry; there might be myriad reasons why you might be going to bed hungry, but if one of the reasons you are going to bed hungry is because there is no food or someone failed to make preparations for food i tell you, sleeping will be as hard as climbing a mountain, it's always a little hard for the body to shut down if the stomach is rumbling, so if you must sleep then eat, except you are fasting and in that case you should just stay awake to pray
2. Going to bed angry; ordinarily being angry while awake and going about normal activities immobilize some people and cause them to act erratically, so when you are angry and you decide the next thing you want to do is sleep, then you must really be very angry, so much angry, your proper sense of reasoning has been shut down (don't be angry with me for saying it like that), but seriously speaking, you can't be angry and still fall asleep, it's like kerosene and water, it can't mix, so sort out whatever got you angry in the first instance then you can put your mind to rest so much so sleep can come
3. having a lot on your mind; a lot of people claim to know how to multi task very well, but it's just not possible to do to many things at the same time effectively, when you are doing too many things at the same time, your effectiveness is reduced no matter how good you are at multi tasking, in the same vein, when you have a lot on your mind and you still want to include sleep in the list it can be very confusing for the brain and cumbersome on your body as well, so just pick one and do it, so if it's sleep, then let go every other thing on your mind, focus on sleep then you can effectively relocate to dream land.
Really don't think i can possibly run through the endless list of why some sleep don't come at time, so i will just stop there and give you the method i use in getting myself to sleep anytime sleep eludes me.
1. lie on your back, with you hands by your side (not compulsory though) and close your eyes, even if lying on your back is not your preferred sleeping position, adopting the position will help you relax quickly
2. take deep breaths, breath out slowly and relax your body, consciously release tension in your body
3. think back to a nice relaxing and quiet spot you've been before (not a beer parlor) and picture yourself there , it could be a place back at your home town or a quiet breezy part of your house
Doing this effectively will get very relaxed and give you quality sleep, so you would get more than just a period of eye closing but also a deeply relaxing rest that makes you wake up and get very productive, if you didn't sleep of while reading this, well then you should share this and forward to friends, cheers