Let me tell you a story; recently a friend went to a conference for young pastors in the UK, each participant in the conference paid to be a part of the conference and they were all lodged in a big hotel and the conference took place in the hotel’s conference hall, after each of the session, participant will go into the restaurant in the hotel and eat from a buffet of very delicious looking dishes but each time my friend will go into his hotel room and eat biscuit and cornflakes with milk that he took along for that conference, my friend was on a very tight budget and he knew he could not afford the food in the hotel’s restaurant and this went on for days during the conference, my friend's mouth constantly watered whenever he saw the tasty dishes but he was disciplined in his spending and chose not to spend but on the last day of the conference after the last session, he decided to enter the restaurant to eat from buffet since it was the last day, after eating from the several array of delicacies he called one of the waiters and asked how much is bill was, the waiter smiled and my friend thought he was going to faint when he heard his bill but the waiter told him the meal is free, the waiter said eating in the restaurant is part payment for the hotel accommodation.

It was then my friend felt like hitting himself over the head over and over again, because out of ignorance, he had denied himself of the very benefits, he was entitled to, so what is that thing you are denying yourself of today because you are ignorant of those things, increase your knowledge my friend, don't be comfortable in just your own sphere of knowledge alone, you have just this one life to live, live it to the maximum to the very best of your abilities and knowledge