To be generous is to give freely in kindness and largeness of heart. The decision to be generous in life is that which we all have to make. It is said that to give is more blessed than to receive also that he that give more will be given back to him but he that withhold the little he has will be taken away from him. Then let chose to become generous?
Generosity is a total life investment, divided to be paid by God not man. Giving arms to someone today might just be the answer to your call for help tomorrow, so it is best you help someone every time you get the opportunity because giving is a privilege from God.

Generosity makes you an attractive person; everybody will want to be your friend, people will gravitate towards you like you are their messiah and indeed you are because no good gift come from any man expect from God and He give to us by inspiring someone to bless us in His place. Therefore, every time you give you are acting as the messiah to the person receiving, just don't feel proud.

To be good is to have the qualities; of a high standard. It is behaving in a way that is morally right, polite and obedient. Being good is enjoyable, satisfying, beneficial and thorough. It is something that is right and beneficial in honesty and sincerity. To will is to express the future in the present, to express intention, ability, or a request. Now combining good and will we have goodwill, and to tell you generosity brings good will. People will talk well about you and God will make good His promises to givers in your life.
Generosity makes people feel happy at a glance of you at every point in time and it will expand your world. If you want to receive favour you must learn to be generous, because stingy people lack favour and their world is very small. The world of a generous man grows bigger at every giving but the world of every stingy person become smaller at every with hold. Increase God’s favour opens your life up for generosity.