Privacy Policy
The information of our site users is very important to us as much as its important to our users and so we would like for you to know how we handle your information
Your Email
in commenting on any content on this site users are required to fill their emails and names before comment can be accepted
the requirement of this email is for no other purpose than to discourage spammers
we wont in any way misuse your email information for any marketing purpose
your email are private and is not exposed to other visitors
when you subscribe to receive updates from us via email
we promise to keep our updates at considerable level and not bother you
and if any point in time you decide to quit receiving updates from us, unsubscribe links will be provided for you quit receiving our updates
and this means we remove your information from our database, we wont keep your information against your desire
this site uses cookies to keep track of visitors on the site and it is to determine how well we can serve you better
and better present our information to you.
the cookies are strictly for this purpose only and wont in no way invade your privacy
and if you desire to keep cookies from tracking your visit to our site
you can disable the option from your individual browser
If you have further information regarding our privacy policy you can reach us via our Contact page
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