Your response to interview questions should be in cognizance of the category of questions posed. Interview questions can be categorised as follows:

  1. Open Questions

It is impossible to give ‘no’ or ‘yes’ answer to this type of question. You expected not only to reply with the fact and issues but also with feelings and opinions.
The interviewer through this question wants to form an opinion of the person sitting in front of him or her. She/he can also explore certain topics or ask the applicant to explain on his feelings. This question tempts you to speak too much or dominate the interview, remember to be brief.
Examples of open questions are given below:

  1. What

What are your areas of strength?
What can you do for this company?
What are your duties?

  1. Why

Why did you decide to leave your job?
Why did you prefer teaching job?

  1. Which

Which part of the job did you dislike?
Which part of the job did you most enjoyed

  1. How

How did you resolve the crisis?
How do you feel about…?
Open questions can also be phrased differently. For example, looking back, what would you have done differently? Have you any question you would like to ask?

  1. Closed Question

This question enables the interviewer to check pure fact and elicit a direct response. They can also be used to stop the interviewee from doing all the talking.
Examples of closed questions are given below:

  1. So you are the….?
  2. Do you get annoyed with…?
  3.  Do you like…?

Expect some of this question. If the questions are too frequent, answer such as Yes, Yes, Yes, or No, No, No… will sound monotonous. Add a bit more positive and relevant facts, for example, Yes, I do, No, I do not…

  1. Probing Questions

Probing questions are the interviewer’s most sophisticated and useful tool. They are used to clarify, justify, or reveal strength or weakness that the interviewee may which to hide. The questions tend to be quiet specific and predictable and they are normally used when the interviewee is becoming talkative or when the conversation is drifting a bit.
Examples of probing question are given below:

  1. What is your reason for saying that?
  2. Why does that concern you?
  3. Who else affected your behaviour
  4. How did you react to it
  1. Hypothetical Questions

They are actual situation you will have to face if employed. The interviewer is interested in how you can think on your feet in such situations. Answer the question as best as you can and be able to back up your answer.
Examples of such questions are:

  1. What will you do if you were to work with a hot tempered boss?
  2. What will you do if you have to work with an angry customer?
  3. What will you do if two people demanded your attention at the same time?
  1. Leading Question

In most cases the question suggests the answer to give. The interviewer may wish to disagree with the suggestion in order to hear your point of view or the interviewer may be advising you on the company’s rules and expectations. You can either agree or disagree depending upon how truthful it is. The choice is yours. However, try to put your point across logically but not emotionally.
Examples of leading questions are:

  1. The company have this philosophy … Do you hold this philosophy?
  2. I see, you would have dishonoured the cheque?
  3. Oh! You are allergic to..?
  4. I suggest you go on with your previous boss?
  1. Complicated Question

If you are not careful you will not answer an essential aspect of this kind of question because of their complicated nature. The question takes two forms; the alternative question and the multiple questions. For example:

  1. What annoyed you most or you are never annonyed? 

The tip here is that you ignore the bit that does not apply and respond to the bit that does not apply. The multiple question lead to confusion and vagueness because the interviewee does not know where to begin the answer.

  1. Did you pick up new skill from your last post and what did you think of the facilities?

Tips; acknowledge the two part of saying ‘you will answer … first, and the second.

  1. Summarising Question

This is useful tools for the interviewer and the interviewee. The formal can use the question to clarify and confirm what you have said. For example: I understand what you have said is…
You can also make use of the question if you feel that a question needs further clarification.
A good knowledge of the type of question you are asked should enable you knows the best answer to give at different situations.